Alessandro Cardinale Nu Shu, 2018 Cotton and wood 55 x 40 x 10 cm
Angel Hui Hoi Kiu Fragments of a Blue Flower, 2016 Chinese pigment on cardboard. 60 x 40 cm each
Angel Hui Hoi Kiu Embroidery on the Plastic Bag – Goldfish, 2021 Plastic bag, thread and red string in acrylic box 50 x 30 x 9 cm each.
Alessandro Cardinale Nu Shu, 2019 Cotton and wood 64 x 64 x 14 cm
Angel Hui Hoi Kiu Embroidering with the Strokes Series – I Ching I, 2020 Ink and colour on round paper fan, needle and thread 43 x 17 cm